Organization Statement of Faith
Organization Established: 2000
Faith: Christianity
As a Christian organization we have a personal relationship with GOD. We believe JESUS CHRIST is the son of GOD, (*Matthew 14:33) (*Matthew 3:16-17) born of a virgin (*Luke 1: 26-32). We believe our salvation is through the blood of JESUS CHRIST shed at Calvary on the cross by him alone (*Luke 23:33) (*John 14:6) (*Romans 5:8-10). We believe the way to achieve this is by confessing your sins and accepting JESUS CHRIST into your heart (*Roman 10:8-13). We believe in the death, burial, & resurrection of JESUS CHRIST, (*I Corinthians 15:3-4) and the trinity of GOD (* 1 John 5:7).
(The Father) (The Son) (The Holy Spirit)
We believe GOD is the almighty, supreme being, and highest power (* Revelation 1:8). We believe JESUS CHRIST is the redeemer of mankind (*John 3:17). We believe the HOLY GHOST is the ministry and guide to mankind, the convincer of sins and the comforter left by JESUS CHRIST (* John 14:26). We believe in the ministry of the church (*Matthew 19:28) and the teachings of JESUS CHRIST to men and women alike. We believe the HOLY BIBLE is the inspired, inherent, infallible word of GOD, which contains the words of guidance, correction, and support to living life for men & women alike. (*II Timothy 3:16).
*Scripture in the HOLY BIBLE ![](/tp.gif)
S. Vernon
New King James Version President/ Administrator