(A2L) Hoops to Life Camps

“A great experience for boys & girls to combine skills of athletics & academics for reaching their highest potential.”
High School Athletic Director : 2005,2006, 2007
“The camp was professionally run, the educational skills taught  in the classroom were appropriate. I thought the prayer @ the beginning and end of day was GREAT!!”
Middle School Vice-Principal : 2005, 2006
“This was the best camp experience my child has had. They will definitely be back next year.”
H2L Camper Parent : 2004,2005,2006,2007 

“This camp was everything & more, just like promoted, not all programs I go to are that way. This camp was great and I look forward to coming back.”
A.C. Green NBA World Champion & Iron Man : (2007) 

“LIGHT” Assessment Tool

“This program has made me think seriously about what I want to do with my life.”
High School Student : 2005,2006,2007
“We would like to have the program return, I have had students come to me and ask  for  more information. This tells me that the program touched them.” 
High School Teacher : 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
“I learned something about myself, and how my friends see me.”
High School Student : 2005,2006,2007, 2008 

Basketball Skills Sessions

"This has been great for my daughter, It has improved her confidence and her conditioning."
Middle School Parent: 2005-07

"Because of the work on his free throws he had the confidence to
drive to the basket, get fouled and feel confident in making his free
Elementary School Parent: 2005-07

"During my season I don't have time to work on the details we work on here. I'm glad to have a good coach to help on these things." 
Middle School Student: 2005-07


"The past three years in this program have been wonderful for my son. His grades, attitude, and confidence have improved drastically." 
High School Student Parent: (2004 -07)

"This program has done more for my son in one season than any coach has done for him in his many years of playing." 
Middle School Parent: 2005-07

"This has been the best two seasons I've had. I have made friends, gained a lot of confidence. I don't want to stop." 
High School Student: (2005-07)

"This program has a lot of class, it is well organized. We have a lot of respect for Coach Vernon and the organization." 
James Lanier :Lanier Sports - Fresno, CA (2006)

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