It is important to understand WhatWhenWhere, & How to do the things you are gifted to do or need improvement on.

When an individual understands it, now they can own it. Once you own it, you can make the decision of what, when, where, & how to use it. In this environment you gain ownership by way of practice and preparation. We can help you own your abilities with hard work, correct teaching, and good support.

Athletics are FUNCHALLENGING, full of CHANCE, and STRATEGY. Athletics can offer an individual so much. It offers the opportunity to learn, enjoy, & understand things like the (CART)
Trust, &Teamwork.

These things can help you understand and use the abilities you have to help the team and yourself be successful.

Those things mentioned above can be obtained, and much more through the training techniques we use. Our focus is the;

Important P's
* Psychological
* Physical

We train individuals to use their minds along with their bodies and abilities / skills in specific arenas.

* Balance                    * Strength
* Agility                      * Defensive Skills 
* Awareness                * Offensive Skills 
* Conditioning            * Court Respect

Male or Female

MSA (Middle School Aged Students)
Grades 5 -8

HSA (High School Aged Students)
Grades 9 -12

CS (College Students)
Freshman -  Senior 

​            SCHEDULE:

Days:  Mon  -  Sat (Flexible)

Training Time: 1.0 – 3.0 Hours (Flexible)

Areas of Concentration: 
Endurance/ Strength, Technique/ 
Skills, & Conditioning

Training Attire: T-Shirt / Shorts or Sweat Pants / Socks / Athletic Shoes

Gift Amount: $45.00- $65.00 per hour 
or flat rate schedule 

We assess each individual, negotiate, then set  personal skill sessions & gift amount for each individual.
- Information Form
- Rules/ Requirements Form
- Insurance/ Hold Harmless Form
- Media Wavier Form
-Agreement of Compensation
(Scholarships are available.)
Under the age of 18 parent or
guardian must sign paperwork
Athletic Skills Sessions
“Together Achievement is Endless”